Congratulations to our Dr. Seuss Coloring Contest Winners! Front Row: Ember, Eve, Silas, Lucy, Cali, and Lincoln Back Row: Hunter, Maebri, Natalie, Alaina, and Abby
1 day ago, Ms. Oldham
JH Girls Summer Basketball Girls Summer Basketball 2025 Beecher City / Cowden- Herrick Next Year’s 6th-8th Graders We are excited to get summer basketball going for Jr. High Girls. We want to make sure we have the numbers/interest to sign up for some tournaments. We will have a parent meeting once we see how many girls are interested. The cost of each tournament will be divided among the players and will be determined at the time of registry for each tournament. It will NOT be mandatory to play in any/all tournaments, however if you sign up for a tournament you will need to pay your share. We realize summer can be a very busy time so we would like to start scheduling now. The only date set for right now is June 11th and we have two other tournaments that we are waiting on dates. We will start a group text to stay informed on practices and tournaments. Signing this form is to get an idea of who might be interested. You will be able to choose the dates that work for you and your family. If you're not interested in tournaments but still want to be involved in open gym or practice, we will still need you to sign the form. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thanks, Coach Sara Towler (217)343-7776 Coach Cally Robertson (217)821-9917 Please fill out the form and turn it back into the school by March 28th Players Name Grade Next Year Jersey/T-Shirt Size Tournaments Open Gym/Practices Parents Name Phone Number
1 day ago, Cowden-Herrick CUSD 3A
March Calendar
4 days ago, Cowden-Herrick CUSD 3A
K-5 Bobcat Families: Begins Monday, March 10!
4 days ago, Ms. Oldham
Art Post
Friday, March 7: Dr. Seuss Week! PAJAMA DAY!
7 days ago, Ms. Oldham
The Sleep Book
Thursday, March 6: Dr. Seuss Week! COLLEGE SHIRT OR JERSEY DAY!
8 days ago, Ms. Oldham
Oh the Places You Will Go!
Wednesday, March 5: Dr. Seuss Week! WACKY WEDNESDAY!
9 days ago, Ms. Oldham
Wacky Wednesday
Tuesday, March 4: Dr. Seuss Week! HAT DAY!
10 days ago, Ms. Oldham
Cat in the Hat
Dr. Seuss Week!
11 days ago, Ms. Oldham
Dr. Suess Week
The Bobcat 5/6th Grade CHBC Basketball Tournament is Saturday! Bring your Bobcat spirit!
14 days ago, Ms. Oldham
Attention Bobcat Families
15 days ago, Ms. Oldham
Casimir Pulaski Day
Would you like to read to our K-5 students? Help us celebrate Dr. Seuss Week!
23 days ago, Ms. Oldham
Dr. Seuss Week is March 3 - March 7!
23 days ago, Ms. Oldham
Our K-5 building had a special visit from the Cowden-Herrick High School FFA. We made butter and played FFA Jeopardy! Thank you Logan, Marissa, Hannah, Makayla, August, and Ben. We appreciate you!
24 days ago, Ms. Oldham
Bobcat Families
about 1 month ago, Ms. Oldham
Presidents' Day
Bobcat Families!
about 1 month ago, Ms. Oldham
Cheer Camp
Today is our 100th Day of School!
about 1 month ago, Ms. Oldham
100 days
Bobcats 5/6th Basketball
about 2 months ago, Cowden-Herrick CUSD 3A
Bobcat Families
about 2 months ago, Cowden-Herrick CUSD 3A
King Day
All CHBC extracurricular evening activities have been canceled for Friday, January 10th. This includes the high school boys basketball game and elementary cheer camp and practices for high school girls basketball, junior high boys basketball, junior high volleyball, and 5th and 6th grade basketball.
2 months ago, Cowden-Herrick CUSD 3A